Best SEO Practices for Social Media Blog Optimization

There are several key components to remember in order to be crisp, clear and concise when blogging. Blog optimization is the foundation of any search campaign for social media practices. It is essential to know what keywords your target audience is using in order to properly optimize for them. Here you’ll find how to create keywords to optimize and attract readers (who will be more qualified leads!). 


Make the Key Phrase the Title
Even using the key phrase as the Title gives readers a general idea of what will be focused on in the content. Also, the given Title is what is read on Google and becomes the article’s URL – two key components which determine the relevance.


Subhead and Categorize
Creating and using suitable categories help boost the relevancy in the post helping readers to know directly what will follow in each category. Categories should be fairly broad with many subheadings below. This allows readers to know exactly what they’re reading. For example, “Bank Loans” and “Banking Fees” are specific categories where directionality of the post makes it clear and simple for the reader to read and understand your post.


Pay Attention to Placement of Key Phrases

  • If possible, begin the article with the key phrase. Really stress what the article is going to talk about – without beating a dead horse.
  • If not, include the key phrase in the intro/outro so people know what they will be reading.
  • Use sub-heads of the key phrase or a subset of the key phrase.
  • Use the key phrase in the paragraph at least once, even to transition between paragraphs to paragraphs while also summarizing what each category discusses.
  • Use the key phrase as another way of hyper-linking your research and findings to the relevant site.
  • Create unique tags for the website so it can be searched, however use the Google Ads and other various website tools to help determine which key phrases best describe the post you will be writing about.

— Not sure how to use long-tail keywords? Check back for more information!


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