This report from Psychster and compares user engagement across seven interactive and social media ad types. One of the main findings is that “Corporate Profiles on social-networking sites produced greater purchase intent and more recommendations when users could become a fan and add the logo to their own profiles than when they could not.” Hmm…sounds a lot like when a user can become a fan of a brand on Facebook right?
The report further states “Corporate profiles were among the most likely ads to trigger purchase intent – but only if people can become a fan and placed a logo on their own profile.” This drives home the importance of growing your fans (soon to be called “connections”) on a Facebook page in order to cultivate brand loyalty and sales. Using the Facebook inline “Become a fan” feature is a great way to do this with Facebook advertising.
Take a look at the report and let us know what you think!
Report: Which Social media Ad Types Work Best?
Post written by Helen Todd aka @helenstravels. To learn more from, become a fan!