Whether someone on Twitter is researching the latest news regarding your products, or is looking for a reliable way to contact your brand for some assistance, it is essential that you provide a few simple details on your Twitter Bio to ensure that everyone can instantly identify your official account, easily get in touch, and effortlessly understand what you are all about.
It’s difficult enough to stand apart from the nonstop tsunami of information, images, and videos that we call Twitter, but taking the time to optimize your Twitter Bio ensures that the users who successfully navigate to your Twitter profile will immediately have access to your brand’s core information. Let’s get started on writing your own premier Twitter Bio.
Contents of a Twitter Bio
A Twitter Bio consists of a few simple, yet essential parts; your name (which is different from the @username that you selected when you created the Twitter profile), location, website, and the 160 character bio itself.
Three of these are self-explanatory: Simply plug in your brand’s actual name, locale, and homepage URL into their respective Name, Location, and Website boxes. You should stick with your actual name (max 20 characters), to keep it simple and make it impossible for anyone to confuse your profile with any other. It is important that you include a link to your website, and while it’s a nice touch to insert your brand’s core location, if you don’t want to share which neighborhood your office is in with the world, feel free to have a little fun with it as our friend (and Sociality Squared client) The Real Sun did:
Writing a Great Twitter Bio
You may only have 160 characters to create a memorable and punchy Twitter Bio that efficiently lets users know what your brand is all about, but that doesn’t mean that writing one has to be difficult. There are a few interesting ways to take your Twitter Bio that work surprisingly well, so consider which works for your brand:
You could always go the expected route by simply summarizing who you are or what you do in a one sentence introduction. Microsoft’s Office 365 Twitter Bio knocked it out of the park by compacting their message of creating top-tier productivity software to make lives easier in their tiny bio:
Alternatively, consider using this space as a call to action by mentioning your latest product release, inserting a direct link to a page where users can buy your goods or services, or whatever else you’d like your followers to do. The team at 343 Industries is responsible for everything related to the massively popular Halo series, including Xbox games, comics, apparel, toys, and much more, and the space on their Twitter Bio is exclusively reserved for advertising their latest video game release:
If your Twitter page is commonly used as customer service hub, you can provide a form of self-service by providing some helpful direction, such as a link to your FAQ or official customer service page. The video game live-streaming app Mixer does an excellent job of introducing themselves and sharing a handy tech support link on their own Twitter Bio:
Have fun and let your brand’s personality shine! A mere 160 characters isn’t much to work with, but it’s enough to let your personal style shine through as soon as someone clicks on your Twitter profile. Take it from Jaxson de Ville, the hilarious mascot of the Jacksonville Jaguars.
The Icing on the Bio
Wrap up the creation of your new and improved Twitter Bio by keeping consistent branding in mind; you’ll want to upload a quality image of your logo as your Profile Photo, and consider including an additional important link or a relevant hashtag as a little boost to your Twitter profile’s visibility. ABC News is a prime example of an expertly written Twitter Bio that features a succinct introduction, a pair of links to their other social media profiles, and they even reference their own username in the bio to reinforce the name to their followers.
Taking the time to plan out and write a genuinely great Twitter Bio is the difference between thoughtlessly scrawling a forgettable and bland one liner to merely fill in the box, and setting out a thoughtful, charming, and helpful introduction for anyone who visits your Twitter page.