What are you thankful for? It’s a question that is asked so frequently and nonchalantly, that we often overlook the real importance of it. So, what are you truly thankful for? And, are you expressing that gratitude to friends, family, coworkers, and (perhaps most importantly) to yourself, enough? The #Thankful4Women event, which Sociality Squared attended, asked these questions and challenged the audience to reconsider and reimagine the concept of gratitude and its impact.
The event did not disappoint as it centered around reminding women of all they have to be grateful for and the value of utilizing that gratefulness
#Thankful4Women Welcome
The brunch event, hosted by Berlin Cameron, Refinery29, Thankful, Ellevate Network, and Female Founder Collective, gave the 100+ women in attendance a firm reminder to put everyday gratitude into action, and exactly how to do it.
The day started with a tasty breakfast, followed by welcoming remarks from the president and founder of both Berlin Cameron and Thankful. Jennifer DaSilva, president of Berlin Cameron, spent her time reminding us of the difference between simply saying you are thankful, and actually being thankful. The impact of the latter is ten-fold more important and can have dramatic positive effects on many different aspects of your life. She said, “It’s not just about writing the thank you card, it’s about showing it, and making the real-life connections. That’s what is so important, and so often overlooked and dismissed.”
Kim McDonnell, founder of Thankful, stressed the significance that gratitude has the power to improve overall happiness, and more importantly, that it is the single most powerful tool that we can all implement to improve our lives.
She also challenged our own individual gratitude, kindness, and self-love. She encouraged everyone to write three simple things that they love about themselves. After a moment, she asked how many struggled coming up with just three things, and the majority of the women raised their hands. “Why is that?” she questioned, “Why is it that even if we are able to adequately show others we are grateful for them, that we can’t then do it to ourselves as well?” The main takeaway: Self-gratitude is often disregarded, when it should be one of the main focuses of our everyday lives.
Nataly Kogan Keynote
Nataly Kogan then took the stage as the keynote speaker for the day. She is the CEO and founder of Happier and the author of “Happier Now.” She was essentially the perfect woman for the job of talking about spreading gratitude around like confetti. Nataly spent her time reiterating that people who have a happier mindset, are not only proven to be healthier mentally, but physically and emotionally as well. There are endless benefits to living a lifestyle focused around gratitude as a core value, and that it should be used as the fuel that you need to get through any challenge. She further explained that it’s not about denying we have challenges, but about giving yourself the fuel to get through (and conquer) those challenges.
Lastly, Nataly stressed the importance of practicing gratitude both in your personal life and the workplace. At her company, she enforces “Gratitude Meeting Bookends.” At the end of each meeting, everyone must say something or someone that they are thankful for. She explained how this helps foster authentic gratitude, which in turn leads to authentic pride, which is invaluable in the workplace.
#Thankful4Women Wrap Up
Following Nataly, a panel of women focused on “How to Create a Culture of Gratitude.” They shared their own personal and professional experiences and the immense effect that expressing thankfulness had on their lives. They highlighted the importance of community and how that fosters a successful business, and to call out everything, big or small, and celebrate every single success, because you’ve earned it (damn right).
After the speakers wrapped up, there was a multitude of workshops that participants could participate in, all focused around celebrating gratitude. They included self-love check-ups, financial check-ups, makeovers, and professional headshots.
Overall, the event reminded me of the importance of something that is too often overlooked. I enjoyed reflecting on the possibilities of showing gratitude, love, and appreciation to those around you, and to yourself as well.